viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

There's a Light.

Brad & Janet: In the velvet darkness of the blackest night burning bright.
There's a guiding star no matter what or who you are.
There's a Light. Over at the Frankenstein place.
There's a light. Burning in the fireplace.
There's a light, a light in the darkness of everybody's life.
I can see the flag fly, I can see the rain just the same. There has got to be     something better here for you and me.
A light in the darkness of everybody's life.
Riff Raff: The darkness must go down the river of nights dreaming flow         morphia slow. Let the sun and light come streaming into my life. Into my life.
Narrator: And so it seemed that fortune had smiled on Brad and Janet and      that they had found the assistance that their plight required or had they? 
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) by Jim Sharman.

A strange journey.

I would like if I may to take you on a strange journey. It seemed a fairly      ordinary night when Brad Majors and his fiancee Janet Weiss (two young        ordinary healthy kids) left Denton that late November evening to visit Dr          Everett Scott, ex. tutor and now friend of both of them. It's true there were dark storm clouds, heavy, black and pendulous, toward which they were        driving. It's true also that the spare tyre they were carrying was badly in need of some air.  But they being normal kids and on a night out, well they were     not going to let a storm spoil the events of their evening. On a night out. It    was a night out they were going to remember for a very long time. 
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) by Jim Sharman.

J - A - N - E – T. I love you so.

Janet: Oh Brad, wasn't it wonderful. Didn't Betty look radiantly beautiful. Just an hour ago she was plain old Betty Monroe. Now she's Mrs.Ralph Hapschatt.
Brad: Er...yes, Janet.......Ralph's a lucky guy.
Janet: Yes.
Brad: Everyone knows Betty's a wonderful little cook.
Janet: Yes.
Brad: And Ralph himself will be in line for promotion in a year or so.
Janet: Yes.
Brad: Hey Janet.
Janet: Yes Brad.
Brad: I've got something to say.
Janet: Uh huh.
Brad: I really loved the skilful way you beat the other girls to the bride's    bouquet.
Janet: Oh Brad.
Brad: The river was deep but I swam it. The future is ours so let's plan it. So please don't tell me to can it. I've one thing to say and that's: Dammit,      Janet. I love you. The road was long but I ran it. There's a fire in my heart    and you fan it. If there's one fool for you then I am it. I've one thing to say     and that's: Dammit, Janet.
I love you. Here's a ring to prove that i'm not joker. There's three ways that    love can grow. That's good bad or mediocre.
Oh  J - A - N - E – T. I love you so.
 The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) by Jim Sharman.

The late night double feature Picture Show.

Michael Rennie was ill. The day the earth stood still but he told us where we    stand And Flash Gordon was there i silver underwear. Claude Rains was the    invisible man. Then something went wrong for Fay Wray and King Kong they    got caught in a celluloid jam. Then at a deadly pace it came from outer space and this is how the message ran.
    Science Fiction - double-feature. Dr X will build a creature. See Androids        fighting Brad and Janet. Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet. Oh - at the     late night, double-feature Picture Show.
I knew Leo G. Carrol was over a barrel, when tarantula took to the hills. And I really got hot when I saw Jeanette Scott fight a Triffid that spits poison and    kills Dana Andrews said prunes gave him the runes and passing them used lots of skills. And when worlds collide said George Pal to his bride I'm going to give you some terrible trills like a -
Dr X will build a creature. See Androids fighting Brad and Janet. Anne Francis     stars in Forbidden Planet. Oh - at the late-night, double-feature Picture       Show. By RKO O- Oh at the late-night, double-feature Picture Show. In the   back row at the late-night, double-feature Picture Show. I want to go to    the late night double feature Picture Show.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) by Jim Sharman.

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

I am the devil...

I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work.

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

It's all fucking mind power.

Baby: So what do you wanna do?
Wendy Banjo: Help!
I knew that fucking cunt would do something stupid! Shut up! Open the fucking door! Open the goddamn door!
Gloria Sullivan: Hold it!
Wendy Banjo: Somebody help me!
Baby: What are you gonna do? Shoot me? What did I ever really do to you?
Gloria Sullivan: I swear I'll do it! I'll kill you!
Baby: Why would you wanna kill me? I'm your only hope. My brother's fucking crazy, you've seen him.
Gloria Sullivan: Wendy it's all right! Come on out!
Baby: Go ahead, shoot me. Shoot me right on the ass! Stupid cunt.
There ain't no bullets in this thing. It's all fucking mind power.

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

Whore this, fucker.

Fanny: What? Are you calling me a whore?
Captain Spaulding:
I calls 'em like I sees 'em!

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

Tutti fucking fruity

Baby: Just in case anyone's interested, I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles.

Otis: "I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles."
Baby: Don't you fucking imitate me, it's fucking rude! "I know what I know and I know I don't like that nut sack... "
Otis: Fuck you.
Baby: Fuck you!
Captain J.T. Spaulding: Two fucking seconds for the kid, is that gonna kill you?
Otis: Yes, it is going to kill me! I have calculated the time, and two seconds is the exact amount of time that is a hazard to my fucking health.
Baby: What the fuck is your problem? I'm in and out in two seconds!
Captain J.T. Spaulding: You know?
I think I'm gonna get me some tutti fucking fruity.
Baby: Tutti fucking fruity, that sounds good!

Otis: There is no fuckin' ice cream in your fuckin' future.

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

Don't ya like clowns?

Captain J.T. Spaulding: I'm gonna have to be taking your car today. See I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have for this here vehicle.
Susan: What's that about clown business?
Captain J.T. Spaulding:
Do I stutter, bitch?

Captain J.T. Spaulding: What's the matter, kid? Don't ya like clowns?
Jamie: No...
Captain J.T. Spaulding: Why? Don't we make ya laugh? Aren't we fuckin' funny?
You best come up with an answer, cos I'm gonna come back here and check on you and your momma and if you ain't got a reason why you hate clowns, I'm gonna kill your whole fucking family.
Jamie: Please...
Captain J.T. Spaulding: All right, now get your fuckin' ass out the car. Go on. Yayayayayaya!

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

It's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone.

Adam Banjo: Please, mister. This is insane.
Otis B. Driftwood:
Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant fuckin' Mark Twain shit. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone.

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

Look at these!

Chinese, Japanese, Dirty knees, look at these!

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

I'll come back and make you my bitch!

If you're gonna start the killing, you best start it right here. Make sure I'm all the way dead, because I'll come back and make you my bitch!

The Devil’s Rejects (2005) by Rob Zombie

martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Captain Spaulding's Murder Ride

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, you are about to enter the world of darkness, a world where life and death are meaningless  and pain is God
We gonna have a good time now. On your right, you will see the infamous     Albert... Fish. Masochist, sadist, child killer and most importantly, cannibal
Mr. Fish, born and enjoyed spankings with nail-studded paddles, stuffing         needles deep into his groin.
Now, one of our most famous crazies, the psycho of Plainsfield, Mr. Ed Gein.    Murderer, cannibal, Mr. Gein used to take great pleasure of playing with    dead bodies of women, especially, their sexual organs.
Now, one of our local heroes, S. Quentin Quale, aka Dr. Satan. Murderer,     torturer, but most of all, master surgeon.      Mr. Quale was an intern at Willows County Mental Hospital, nicknamed     Weeping Willows for the neverending cries of pain. Through primitive brain          surgery. Mr. Quale believed that he could create a race of superhumans from the mentally ill. Vigilante justice prevailed.
They took his ass out and hung him. And that infamous hanging tree is no more than a stone's throwaway from where y'alls' ass is now seated.
But the next day his body was found to be missing. Until today no trace of    Dr. Satan has ever been discovered. But then, who knows? Maybe he lives next door to you.
 House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

Got blood all over my best clown suit!

Goddamn, motherfucker got blood all over my best clown suit.

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

But MOST of all... FUCK YOU!

Killer Karl: That is it! I'm gonna count to ten and you're gonna hand over all the cash, or I'm gonna splatter your grease paint mug across the state line! One...
Captain Spaulding:
Fuck yo mama!
Killer Karl: Two...
Captain Spaulding:
Fuck yo sister!
Killer Karl: Three...
Captain Spaulding:
Fuck yo grandma! …. But MOST of all... FUCK YOU!

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

My brain is frozen. Locked!

Otis: "Why", you ask? "Why" is not the question. How? Now, that is a question worth examining. How could I, being born of such, uh... conventional stock, arrive a leader of the rebellion? An escapist from a conformist world, destined to find happiness only in that which cannot be explained? I brought you here for a reason, but unfortunately you and your sentimental minds are doing me no good! My brain is frozen. Locked! I have to break free from this culture of mechanical reproductions and the thick encrustations dying on the surface! Oh, Christ. Fuck it!

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie


Baby: Give me a "B", give me an "A", give me a "B" give me a "Y", What's that spell? What's that spell? WHAT'S THAT SPELL?

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

I don't like chicken! And I hate clowns!

Captain Spaulding: You miserable motherfucker, I ought to leap over this counter and bash your fuckin' balls in!
Killer Karl: All right, Tippy! Hand over the cash box, and I might leave your brains inside your skull!
Captain Spaulding: Well, I'll tell you what, Ski King.
Why don't you just take your Mama home some chicken and then I won't have to stuff my boot all up in your ass!
Killer Karl: I don't like chicken! And I hate clowns!

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

...asking a bunch of stupid questions.

Lt. George Wydell: What did you see? Who was she with? Where was she going?
Captain Spaulding: I don't know. Yeah, that girl was in here last night. She was with three other stupid kids. They was nosing around...
asking a bunch of stupid questions.
Deputy Steve Naish: Questions about what?
Captain Spaulding: I don't know. This and that. Mostly a bunch of tired Dr. Satan bullshit. Look,
they caught a gander at the display in the back and they figured they'd run out and solve the great big Deadwood mystery about Dr. Satan.
Lt. George Wydell: And how'd they get that idea?
Captain Spaulding: I wrote 'em a map... out to the old farm road that runs past the Hanging Tree. I figured, what the hell? Can't do no harm. Besides, it's good for my tourist trade. Ha, ha!
Deputy Steve Naish: You can shit ten bricks for all I care.

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie

All they want to do is eat and fuck.

Stucky: Shit, I can't do nothing with this now. I can't get rid of this. It ain't worth nothing. My name's all over it. I was gonna fix it to trade it with Jackie Cobb.
Captain Spaulding: That retard who hangs out at Molly's fruit stand? For the lot of me, I do not understand why you hang out with that asshole.
Stucky: He's one horney retard.
Captain Spaulding: Well hell, arn't they all?
All they want to do is eat and fuck.
Stucky: Well, if you knew him better you might understand his urges.
Captain Spaulding: Worse than a rabid-ass baboon.
Stucky: You know what his favorite thing is next to whacking his weasel? He takes a sharpened pencil, sticks it in his eyeball and twists it.
Captain Spaulding: What?
Stucky: He doesn't hurt himself. He kind of twists it next to his eyeball.
Captain Spaulding:
Oh, he's been putting that pencil someplace other than his eyeball.
Stucky: Oh no, he don't do anything like that. Although one time,
he got caught with a Planet of the Apes doll stuck up his asshole.
Captain Spaulding: God damn!
Stucky: They had to take him to the hospital. The kid had Dr. Zaius stuck halfway up his butt and they couldn't get it out!

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie