The fuck, Bee. This is your idea. If you don't like your ideas, stop having them.
Suicide is like... the ultimate fuck you.
Do you think I want to do back to being nobody? You're fucked!
For once someone shouldn't give that fucker the satisfaction!
A girl can only be a slut, a bitch, a tease, or the virgin next door.
Just so you know... the words "just" and "cramps," they don't go together.
You swore we'd go together, one way or another.
I get this ache... And I, I thought it was for sex, but it's to tear everything to fucking pieces.
Ginger: Out by sixteen or dead on the scene, but together forever. C'mon! Together forever.
Brigitte: United against life as we know it.
Wrists are for girls. I'm slitting my throat.
It feels so... good, Brigitte. It's like touching yourself. You know every move... right on the fucking dot. And after, see fucking freworks. Supernovas. I'm a goddamn force of nature. I feel like I could do just about anything.
Hey, why don't you get your slut-bitch sister a leash.
Ginger: I said I'd die for you!
Brigitte: No. You said you'd die with me. Cause you had nothing better to do.
Well thank you for taking my total fucking nightmare so seriously!
Brigitte: You always blow off anything that you don't get.
Ginger: Yeah, when it's bullshit!
You love it. Should come for the ride. A little scratch. Swap some juice. We'll be our own pack, like before. It's so 'us' B.
Brigitte: Just say you won't go average on me.
Ginger: Just 'cause some gonad gets his zipper going? I'd rather be dead.
Pamela Fitzgerald: They're just being normal teenage girls.
Henry Fitzgerald: Then why are they suddenly so interested in what you have to say?
Pamela Fitzgerald: Stay in your own little world, Henry. This one just confuses you.
Brigitte: You gave it to Jason. You had unprotected sex and you infected him.
Ginger: Ooops.
If you give up now you leave me alone, I would never do that to you!
Wish these were babies legs.
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