miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010
Juliet & Romeo ♥

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010
Sam & Andrew ♥

In somebody's life forsaking his hands.
Sing to me hope as she's thrown on the sand.
All of your works are rated again.
Where to go?
You know I love you .
I want you oh so much.
viernes, 25 de junio de 2010
La Dame aux Camélias (1848) Alexandre Dumas fils

- Margarita Gautier (La Dama de las Camelias): Es la protagonista, enamorada de Armando Duval, sin familia, es una chica cortesana del rey, está relacionada con muchos caballeros, entre los que destacan el Duque y el conde. Nació en el campo, pero abandonó a su familia para vivir en París, donde se destacaría por su vida licenciosa y sus grandes gastos, además de por siempre estar acompañada de un ramo de camelias; era una joven muy hermosa, pero bastante enfermiza. Aunque parece adolecer de superficialidad, con el avance de la obra se presenta como una mujer enamorada, sencilla y sobre todo abnegada. Se enamora de Armando Duval, primero condicionándole que le dejara vivir como le pareciera y portándose obediente ante sus mandatos, pero termina por abandonar todas sus costumbres licenciosas para vivir de forma estable con Armando Duval. Sin embargo, el padre de éste le rogaría que deje a su hijo, lo que constituiría su último sacrificio. Regresa a su vida licenciosa, simplemente para acelerar su penosa y solitaria muerte, causada por la tisis, que venía arrastrando desde hacía tiempo.
- Armando Duval: Joven que se enamora de Margarita. Desde el primer encuentro la amó a escondidas, y fue el primero en preocuparse por la salud de la joven, gracias a lo que obtuvo su amor. Nunca aceptaría en su totalidad la condición de Margarita, aunque durante cierto período toleró vivir con el dinero de los otros amantes de la hermosa joven. Finalmente lograría que ella abandone su vida licenciosa, pero posteriormente al verse abandonado y sentirse traicionado, cortejaría a Olimpia, otra mujer de condición semejante, con el único objetivo de hacerle daño a su verdadero amor. Luego se enteraría que el “engaño” de Margarita era sólo otra prueba de su amor, lo que lo dejaría desolado.

Dios es justo e inflexible
I want you and just you
Sometimes all I really want to do is sit beside you. I want to watch cheesy and crappy movies with you, and we will laugh at them together. I want to plan things with you, things we’ll never do, but for some reason just planning them with you is fine with me. I want to talk to you about everything and anything. I want to goof around with you and make jokes that aren’t funny but we’ll laugh nonetheless.
I just want to fall in love with you over and over and maybe at one point we’ll get tired of each other, but until then, I want you, and just you.
Summer Finn & Tom Hansen ♥

The system is weak
You are so beautiful, do rude things tome please, I beg you.
I want to be with you until the sun falls from the sky.
The system is weak we are the strong ones
Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.
I miss you eve when you’re around.
I look into your eyes and I see milky ways, stars, galaxys, clouds, cosmic love
You are precious and please die with your penis inside of me
I’ll kiss you at every stop light
Every time I laugh, I hope he’s watching. It is not because I want him to see me happy, but because maybe just maybe he will fall for my smile as hard as I fell for his.
Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.
Every life has one true-love snapshot.
He is the cheese to my macaroni.
I’m scared because there’s only one of you.
I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.
So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her? She rescued him right back.
I still talk to you when you’re not around.
None, but people of strong passion are capable of rising to greatness.
It’s always too soon to quit.
For a second, I wondered whether kissing her would break the spell we both were under, but it was too late to stop. And when her lips met mine, I knew that I could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when I first kissed the girl of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever.
jueves, 24 de junio de 2010
martes, 22 de junio de 2010
Clementine Kruczynski & Joel Barish ♥

The Virgin Suicides (1999) by Sofia Coppola

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010
Como agua para chocolate (1989) de Laura Esquivel
Carrie White & Tommy Ross ♥

Because you look at me as though I’m beautiful Could it be that you want me
I never dreamed someone like you could want someone like me
I’m not sure but the more that it’s real the more it’s right. Hoo-ooh, what a night
It’s as though we’ve been lovers all of our lives
Carrie (1976) by David Carson
Vanilla Sky (2001) by Cameron Crowe

The Dreamers (2003) by Bernardo Bertolucci

The Shining (1980) by Stanley Kubrick

American Beauty (1999) by Sam Mendes

Forrest Gump (1994) by Robert Zemeckis

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010
I should allow myself the freedom to go out and fucking find it

Well, I've been having a bad time of it with um, my boyfriend, I guess.
You guess he's your boyfriend? Or you guess you're having a bad time with him?
What? No. I don't like the term boyfriend. It's so gay.
Maybe gay isn't the right word. But, anyway, it's been rough with him... whatever the fuck he is. Heheh. My significant other... heh heh. And I guess on a certain level, I want to break it off, but I feel... y'know... it's like this constant questioning and re questioning. Do I end it? Should I give it more time? I'm not happy, but what do I expect? Relationships require work. You know the drill. The thing that I keep coming back to is, I'm not getting any younger, I want to have a baby... at some point... maybe... right? So then I think I should settle -- which is not necessarily the best word -- I mean, he's a good guy. It's not really settling. Then I think maybe I'm just a victim of movies, y'know? That I have some completely unrealistic notion of what a relationship can be. But then I think, no, this is what I really want, so I should allow myself the freedom to go out and fucking find it. You know? Agreed? But then I think he is a good guy and... It's complicated. Y'know?
I think I know. I think we can help. Why don't you start by telling me about your relationship. Everything you can think of. Everything about him. Everything about you. And we'll take it from there.
Um, well, he's a fucking tidy one --
viernes, 4 de junio de 2010
We could be happy again

I love you and if you knew that... if I told you what happened... I'll explain everything, what we meant to each other. I'll tell you everything about our time together. You'll know everything again and...
Maybe if I just explain what happened, I wouldn't have to go through this and I could tell you everything and it would be like you knew and we could rebuild and we could be happy again and...
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
El Puente del Arcoíris
En ese lugar hay valles, colinas y playas para todos nuestros amigos especiales, para que ellos puedan correr y jugar juntos. Hay mucha comida, agua y sol, y nuestros amigos se encuentran cómodos y al abrigo.
Todos los animales que estaban enfermos o eran ancianos, vuelven a tener salud y vigor; aquellos que fueron heridos o mutilados recuperan lo perdido y son fuertes nuevamente, tal como los recordamos en nuestros sueños de días y tiempos pasados.
Los animales están felices y contentos, excepto por una pequeña cosa: cada uno de ellos extraña a alguien muy especial, alguien a quien tuvieron que dejar atrás.
Todos corren y juegan juntos, pero llega un día en que uno de ellos se detiene de repente y mira a la lejanía. Sus brillantes ojos se ponen atentos; su impaciente cuerpo se estremece y vibra. De repente se aleja corriendo del grupo, volando sobre la verde hierba o a la orilla del mar, moviendo sus patas cada vez más y más rápido: tú has sido avistado, y cuando tú y tu amigo especial finalmente se encuentran, los dos se abrazan en un maravilloso reencuentro, para nunca separarse de nuevo. Una lluvia de besos cae sobre tu rostro; tus manos acarician nuevamente la cabeza amada, y puedes mirar nuevamente a los confiados ojos de tu mascota, tanto tiempo apartada de tu vida, pero nunca ausente de tu corazón.
Entonces los dos juntos cruzan el Puente del Arcoíris.