Mary: Oh. Hi, Patrick.
Patrick: Hi, Mary. How's it goin'?
Stan: Hey, you.
Mary: Oh, it's freezing outside.
Stan: Find us okay?
Mary: Yeah.
Patrick: Hot
Mary: Poor guy. Don't you have anything real to drink?
Stan: Uh, we haven't really checked yet. Patrick?
Patrick: Uh, yeah.
Mary: Uh, let me do the honors.

Patrick: Mary hates me. Never really had much luck with the ladies.
Stan: Maybe if you stop stealing their panties.
Patrick: There's more. Stan.
Stan: No!
Patrick: Yes.
Stan: No!
Mary: Hey, Hey, Oh, you didn't want any, did you, Patrick?
Patrick: Uh, no, that's okay.
Mary: Wait. ''Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.'' That's Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil. I found it in my Bartlett 's.

Patrick: What's your Bartlett 's?
Stan: It's a quote book, Patrick. It's a book of quotations.
Mary: I think Howard will be in Bartlett 's one day.
Patrick: Definitely. Howard is pure Bartlett 's.
Mary: Can you wake him up?
Stan: No, You can't wake him up.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) by Michel Gondry
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