domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Let Doctor Parnassus open your imagination

Ladies and Gentlemen... Step up! Step up!... I, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, invite you... tonight, for one night only... at this very venue... to enter the mind, the very great mind, of Doctor Parnassus!
Doctor Parnassus... as old as time... yes, ladies and gentlemen, more than a thousand years old ... he has the power to empower your mind. A secret learned in the mystic East. Let Doctor Parnassus open your imagination. Let him guide and transport you to worlds and possibilities you never dreamt of... If you dare. But... Beware... there are dangers. You will have to choose. Will your soul fly?... Or will it be dashed on the rocks of darkness? The choice is yours and yours alone. Transcend the heights on Beauty's wing.
Or, if you must... scour the squalid depths with Putrid's brother, Stench! Take a ticket and join the queue! Only five quid a go! There's no greater bargain on planet earth!
You choose... Fulfilment, grace and light or... Waste, filth and darkness. No prizes for guessing what you'll do.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) by Terry Gilliam

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